Monday 26 May 2014

Something for your skin

Hi everyone!
Today I'm doing really quick review of Estee LAuder Perfectly Clean Splash Away Foaming Cleanser. Wow, really long name haha.

As I have oily skin and now it's summer season there is always some shine on my face afrete few hours with make up on my face. It's always problem for me and because of it I always try something new. So one of my newest  purchases  was this cleanser. And now after using it few times I can say that  I rally like it. Thick texture, easy foaming and you don't really need it too much for all face. Smell is not really strong, typical foam smell ( for me foam smells like it). One of my favorite thing about this cleanser is  sense of cleanliness on the face after using it. My face feels absolutely clean and soft. This cleanser removes all of oil on my face. I really like to wash my face with this in the mornings and evenings and even after removing my make up so it can clear all of oil after long day with make up on.
So for those people with oily skin Estee Lauder cleanser will be definitely one of favorites  and you certainly must give a try to it, especially if you my kind of person and like to experiment and try something new.

So that's all for today.
Have a nice spring experience.

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